
Showing posts from June, 2024

Russia Ukraine war update

Russia Ukraine war update  Russia has called for a UN Security Council meeting on the killing of hundreds of civilians in six cities in the Kiev region. They left on March 30, according to Russian claims. But the pictures appeared on the internet 04 days later when those operatives entered the city. That is why they are demanding an investigation. Russia has examples of such stems. The use of genocide and rape tactics on the battlefield is nothing new for Russia. However, Russia seems to be a little shocked by this year's genocide of 6 and 7. A member of Ukraine's parliament has blamed the British Secret Intelligence Service (CIS) for the incident. The Pentagon also said it did not know for sure about the 7 genocide (the Pentagon's statement is unusual). On the other hand, a footage from the vicinity of 7 shows Ukrainian army personnel executing the Russian prisoners of war with their hands tied behind their backs. Since then, Russian sources have been calling for a "r...

Inside Hitler's bunker Hideway.

Inside Hitler's bunker Hideway. His authority was extraordinary. He was charming' - Hitler's nurse on his final hours. ( Extremely rare account)  Survivor of bunker tells of admiration for Goebbels' wife and hatred for Eva Braun Read a transcript of the interview with Erna Flegel. She is the last witness. For 60 years, Erna Flegal said nothing about her starring role in the Third Reich. Her family knew that in the last, desperate weeks of the second world war she had lived in Berlin. But she never spoke of her job as Hitler's nurse and of her time in the Führer's Berlin bunker. Now, as the 60th ( year 2005) anniversary of the end of the war in Europe nears, Ms Flegel has spoken out for the first time about her experiences - of Hitler's final hours, of her friendship with the "brilliant" Magda Goebbels, and her jealous loathing for Eva Braun. Her testimony casts fresh light on the last days of the Nazi era and has never appeared in the countless boo...

The origins of Israeli extremism.

The origins of Israeli extremism. On the morning of April 9, 1948, Irgun and Lehi forces entered the village of Deir Yassin from different directions. The Zionist militants massacred Palestinian Arab villagers, including women and children, using firearms and hand grenades, as they emptied the village of its residents house by house. The Haganah, armed Zionist groups illegal under the British mandate, directly supported the operation, providing ammunition and covering fire, and two Palmach squads entered the village as reinforcement. A number of villagers were taken captive and paraded on the backs of trucks through West Jerusalem, where they were jeered at, spat upon, stoned, and eventually murdered. In addition to the killing and widespread looting, there were cases of mutilation and rape. By the end of the operation all of the villagers had been expelled and the Haganah took control of the village. The death toll has been researched as around 110, with the number of wounded estimate...
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A forgotten World War II horror in the Philippines is revealed in ‘Rampage’

  A forgotten World War II horror in the Philippines is revealed in ‘Rampage’ It’s hard to imagine that a major monthlong battle from World War II — one that devastated a large city, caused more than 100,000 civilian deaths and led to both a historic war crimes trial and a Supreme Court decision — should have escaped scrutiny until now. But history has somehow overlooked the catastrophic battle for Manila, capital of the Philippines, in the waning months of the war. Like the Rape of Nanking, or the siege of Stalingrad, the tragedy of Manila deserves far greater understanding and reflection today. James M. Scott remedies that gap with “Rampage: MacArthur, Yamashita, and the Battle of Manila,” the first comprehensive account of one of the darkest chapters of the Pacific War. It is powerful narrative history, one almost too painful to read in places but impossible to put down. It begins as Gen. Douglas MacArthur, the egotistical military commander of the U.S. colony in ...