Russia Ukraine war update

Russia Ukraine war update 

Russia has called for a UN Security Council meeting on the killing of hundreds of civilians in six cities in the Kiev region. They left on March 30, according to Russian claims. But the pictures appeared on the internet 04 days later when those operatives entered the city. That is why they are demanding an investigation.

Russia has examples of such stems. The use of genocide and rape tactics on the battlefield is nothing new for Russia. However, Russia seems to be a little shocked by this year's genocide of 6 and 7. A member of Ukraine's parliament has blamed the British Secret Intelligence Service (CIS) for the incident. The Pentagon also said it did not know for sure about the 7 genocide (the Pentagon's statement is unusual).

On the other hand, a footage from the vicinity of 7 shows Ukrainian army personnel executing the Russian prisoners of war with their hands tied behind their backs. Since then, Russian sources have been calling for a "real Russian war crime." There are also reports of revenge attacks within the Russian military. Whatever its genocide, it may be used to legitimize the impending Russian catastrophe. Earlier, the Russian military had carried out similar destruction in Grozny, Chechnya. No building in the city was complete. Even then, the Russian army took a break after suffering casualties in this way. Arrangements were then made to destroy each house in a planned manner with heavy artillery and air strikes over the city.

In Mariopole, 267 Ukrainian Marines surrendered. The report comes after the Russian military announced that it would be given a chance to leave the city if it surrendered.
Controversial Sources Report - The Azvastal plant, where the horrific clashes are taking place, has an 08-storey underground bio-weapons research facility. NATO military assets remain with the remaining Ukrainians in the area. Couldn't confirm information.

The movement of new Russian army units has been noticed in Belarus. Experts consider these to be a very fresh group. They are likely to take part in operations in Eastern Ukraine. The US Marine Unit has been re-positioned in Poland. Lithuania expels Russian ambassador

Re: As a result of the ban on information shares in Ukraine, very little information is available from there. On the other hand, the credibility of the Russians is also in question. So, as a precautionary measure, it is time to end the post. There is really nothing to do here. One of the reasons is that something big is not happening on the ground now. Kharkiv was bombed last night.


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